Igang med Dungeons & Dragons Adventurers League

I min forrige post, fortalte jeg lidt om hvad Dungeons & Dragons Adventurers League er. Nu har du forhåbentligt fået blod på tanden til at give dig i kast med at skabe en karakter og komme igang med at spille. Forudsætningen for at kunne følge med her er, at du kender lidt til D&D og …

Hvad er Dungeons & Dragons Adventurers League?

Som garvet rollespiller, glæder det mig at der i 2018 for alvor kommer gang i Dungeons & Dragons Adventurers League i Danmark. Måske du ikke helt er med på hvad Adventurers League er? Så læs videre, så skal jeg introducere dig. Dungeons & Dragons Adventurers League – DDAL i daglig tale – er betegnelsen for …

Roger’s story – Complete first draft

Unedited, uncorrected, rough first draft. The chosen photo is published under the public domain, Creative Commons 0 license by Paul Itkin through unsplash.com. Enjoy. Roger’s story The morning was particularly cold. Roger could feel the air he was breathing prickling in his nostrils. He pulled up the fur, it was from a bear he had …

Ben’s story – Complete first draft

Unedited, uncorrected, rough first draft. The chosen photo is published under the public domain, Creative Commons 0 license by Ismael Nieto through unsplash.com. Enjoy. Ben’s story “Daddy?” The timid voice woke him up mid-dream. Ben, alone in bed, tried to adjust his vision to the almost complete darkness of the bedroom. As he laid there, …

Ben’s story – part 2

Ben walked slowly, warily, down the hallway towards the living room. He didn’t turn on the lights. He kept telling himself he wanted to keep his night sight. But truly, he was too scared. He peeked slowly around the corner from the hallway into the living room. He could see the door to the garden …

Ben’s story – Part 1

“Daddy?” The timid voice woke him up mid-dream. Ben, alone in bed, tried to adjust his vision to the almost complete darkness of the bedroom. As he laid there, unable to see clearly, he couldn’t help wonder, if he really heard the voice, or if it was just a part of a dream. That has …

Zille ringe hjem

Jeg er nødt til at dele det her billede med jer. Sara og jeg sad ved spisebordet og malede Warhammer figurer og Zille – min yngste på 3 – legede ude i haven. Pludselig kom hun ind i spisestuen, iført outfittet på billedet, råbende ind i mikrofonen: “Hallo, er der nogen?” flere gange. Jeg ved, …

Zille phone home

I have to share this photo with you guys. Sara and I was sitting around the dinner table, painting Warhammer figures, and Zille – my youngest at age 3 – was playing in the yard. Suddenly she entered the dining room wearing the outfit in the picture, yelling “Hello, is there anybody there?” continuesly into …

Grillede hamburgers

I går grillede vi hamburgers, selvfølgelig på Weberen. De blev helt, helt fantastiske så jeg besluttede mig for at dele opskriften på farsen til hamburger bøfferne her. Hamburger bøffer: 1 kg magert (3-5% fedt) hakket oksekød 2 spiseskeer hvidløgspulver 2 spiseskeer løgpulver 2 spiseskeer medium stærk sennep 1 spiseske Worcester Sauce Note: Opskriften her bruger …

Grilled hamburgers

Yesterday, we had grilled hamburgers, made on the new Weber. They ended up very, very delicious, so I decided to share the recipe for the hamburger patties here. Hamburger patties: 1 kg of lean (3-5% fat) beef 2 table spoons of powdered garlic 2 table spoons of powdered onion 2 table spoons of mustard (medium) …